In today’s world, where hatred, bigotry, and misinformation seem to dominate the narrative, it’s worth stepping back and considering something simple, the core teachings of faith.

Whether you're Christian or follow another religion, the essence of moral and spiritual guidance often aligns closely with The Ten Commandments. These principles are rules for one group and a universal call to decency, truth, and compassion.
When someone spreads hate or misinformation, they violate these foundational principles, not just of a single religious text but of humanity itself. We are called to care for the less fortunate, the weak, and the vulnerable.
This commandment transcends doctrine, uniting all people under a common purpose: to protect life, not ridicule or diminish it.
This brings me to a small moment with a hummingbird. A fragile, defenseless creature, it landed on my hand, unable to fly. For 30 minutes, it trusted me to protect it, to ensure its safety until it regained its strength. I didn’t mock its inability to fly or see it as less worthy because of its vulnerability. I simply provided the protection it needed.
Eventually, it flew off, free, whole, and safe. That hummingbird trusted me because I followed the simplest of principles, to protect and nurture the weak.
It’s the same principle found in The Ten Commandments, the Bible, the Quran, the Torah, and countless other texts. It’s the same principle drilled into us in the military, protect those who cannot protect themselves.
In this fractured world, we could all learn a lesson from that bird. Instead of tearing each other down over differences, we should focus on protecting, uplifting, and nurturing one another. Just as the bird trusted me to safeguard it in a moment of weakness, so too should we protect those in need.
In the end, that’s what defines our humanity and what faith is truly about.
Let’s simplify things. Protect the weak, Speak the truth, Do no harm... Everything else follows.
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